Welcome to Caldwell Group EDU’s Essentials Training – The Foundation of a Successful Career. In this first module we’ll set the stage and discuss how you can get the most out of the training.

Below are the Lessons in Module 1. Just jump to the timestamp if you want to go directly to a lesson. Here’s to building your business from the foundation up!

00:37  Lesson 1 | Overview
01:01  Lesson 2 | Are You Ready for Business?
04:41  Lesson 3 | CGEDU ~ Essentials Training
16:12  Lesson 4 | The Caldwell Group Culture
20:20 Lesson 5 | Being Successful in Your Real Estate Career
38:10  Lesson 6 | Six Steps to New Agent Success
47:36  Lesson 7 | It’s Game Time & Wrap Up

In this module, we’ll learn the importance of putting a plan into place, setting SMART goals, and how to monitor and adapt your plan along the way effectively. Below are the lessons in Module 2 and the timestamps to review a particular lesson. Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail.

00:00 Opening by Damon
00:28 Lesson 1 | Overview and Downloads
01:19 Lesson 2 | Realtor Business Plan
06: 52 Lesson 3 | Setting Your Real Estate Career Goals
16:39 Lesson 4 | Setting SMART Goals & Career Objectives
33:56 Lesson 5 | Creating Your Business Action Plan
48:52 Lesson 6 | The Sales & Marketing Buffet
56:06 Lesson 7 | It’s Game Time!

Develop your initial sphere of influence and connect with them to introduce your real estate services.  Learn how to successfully maintain and grow your database to generate leads and repeat referral business effectively.

00:30  Lesson 1 | Overview
01:15  Lesson 2 | Know Your Unique Value Proposition
12:59  Lesson 3 | Build Your Sphere of Influence List & Set Up Your CRM
18:48  Lesson 4 | Keys to Successful Database Management
31:32 Lesson 5 | Create Your Connect 35 Program
39:56  Lesson 6 | It’s Game Time & Wrap Up

In this module you will learn to develop the habit of prospecting as a cornerstone for your long-term success in the real estate business. Discover the variety of methods and strategies for lead generation and proactive prospecting to attract, convert and close more business.

00:00 Lesson 1 | Overview and Downloads
01:02 Lesson 2 | The Heart of All Real Estate Sucess
06: 06 Lesson 3 | Lead Generation Tips, Tools, & Myths
11:59 Lesson 4 | The Real Estate Lead Generation Business
16:59 Lesson 5 | Lead Conversion Strategies
28:26 Lesson 6 | Converting Leads to Closed Transactions
37:15 Lesson 7 | It’s Game Time!

In this module, we will review the four core personality styles and three primary communication preferences in people and how they translate to better sales and customer service. It starts with understanding your styles and preferences first.  Learn how to build rapport and communicate effectively with the different personality types.

00:00  Lesson 1 | Overview
02:41  Lesson 2 | The Colors Personality Test
07:28  Lesson 3 | DISC Personality Profile
09:43  Lesson 4 | Three Ways People Communicate
13:11 Lesson 5 | Understanding Personality & Communication Styles in Sales
20:12  Lesson 6 | It’s Game Time & Wrap Up